Online Coaching


Our Online Coaching provides our clients with nurturing support, guidance and knowledge that they DESERVE to achieve the goals that they long to achieve. With Online Coaching, we focus on improving holistic wellness through three particular pillars, Mind-Body-Nutrition in which we provide so much value to our client, unleashing transformational progress and life changing experiences. 

With the option of Weekly Check-In Video Calls or Fortnightly Email Check-In's, we have the ability to be extremely intimate or able to provide our client with more independence yet still provide structure, accountability and life changing results.

With our obligation FREE online coaching consultation, we will meet via GOOGLE MEET to explain exactly how our services can help transform your life. We will discuss your health & wellness goals in detail and provide you with information on our services to ensure we align!

Versatile Strength and Wellness is dedicated to improving your health, fitness and wellness whether that be in person or virtually. We believe that all women are Queens and deserve to live their best, most fulfilling lives! Whatever your goals may be, we understand the importance of what you wish to achieve and place you on the right path to achieving it. Whether that be to improve strength, lose fat/gain weight, increase fitness or health overall.

Our Online Coaching includes: 

Postural Analysis:

In our 30-min introduction call, we analyse your entire posture & discuss any potential imbalances within the muscular skeletal system. We discuss previous habits, obstacles & experiences to ensure we provide you with the most intimate, tailored to you service you could possibly receive.

Wellness Mentoring:

 With our intimate weekly Check-in calls to de-brief all areas of your week and progressive implementation of wellness habits, you are sure to drastically improve your overall mental & physical wellness. Receiving complete support from your coach & the necessary tools to progress you further on your wellness journey.

Nutritional Meal Planning & Education:

Through a nutritional assessment, your coach is able to identify your previous nutritional habits & knowledge as well as your relationship with food. Through this assessment, a carefully calculated meal plan is created for you, which includes all calories, protein, fat, carbs and fibre targets specifically measured to align with your goals. Further education on tracking & flexible dieting is provided throughout your journey.

Customised Training Protocol:

Whether you are able to attend a gym 6X per week, or unable to attend a gym at all, we curate a custom program in line with your capabilities/potential postural issues to ensure you are functional, strong and in alignment with your goals and desires. with consistent adjustments around your capabilities, adapting to life’s ups and downs will be made a breeze.

Check ins with your Coach:

Your coach is your mirror and will facilitate your growth in ways you could not imagine. the first step is showing up in your most authentic, transparent self. there are no judgements or criticism. only compassion, love and patience. We underSTand how challenging it is to be vulnerable, to undo years of unhealthy habits, to break through negative patterns of behaviour.

As well as

  • Technique and form review/analysis
  • FREE PDF guides including how to use My Fitness Pal, How to Flexible Diet, Eating Takeaway guide, Alcohol guides and so much more.